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Get the best people to attend your events

Inviting the right people from the right firms to events is crucial for their success.


Simply tell us the location(s), the distance you think people will travel and your target contact’s characteristics and you will get a personally curated list showing all the venues in their locality and highlighting the nearest one.


Where a firm has a single registered address but staff work across the country we know where each one is, meaning you invite them to their nearest actual location and not people in York to London events, those in Birmingham to Edinburgh, etc


Whether it's seminars, workshops, roadshows, training events, awards ceremonies or fireside chats our tailored lists ensure maximum engagement and attendance.


We guarantee you will invite more people to your events, and that they are the most appropriate people.

A single event or a whole series?


Whether you are organising a single event or a series across the UK our augmented FCA Register data will ensure your events are the most successful yet.


Pricing is from £2,000 dependent on data volumes and number of events.


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Watch the video to learn more

Click the image to the right to see the Eventdata Product Summary.

Eventdata Prod Summ Image.jpg
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Click the image to the left to download our Guide to Events 

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